I keep a bunch saved in a jar for no particular reason, and today i went hunting more since I am going to be drinking it 2-3 times a day in tea form until the monster inside my body is slayed .....
Things i noticed today after drinking it... headache, more nausea, a sudden minute of feverish heat inside my body (a little sweat) and like someone unplugged me. SoooOOOOooo sssssssleepy. AND i took a poop that was 30% less disgusting then what i have been dealing with the last 10 days. (Um Yiiippieee, but i am too tired to actually be excited, that is just internet happiness, which doesnt require a real smile.)
I read also usnea burns your throat when you drink it.... this is totally true, my throat felt burnt and spicy all day.
Finger crossed this works. cause i am starting to feel really freakin' awful and run down. I did laundry this morning, and was totally winded and could hardly finish even hanging my clothes. Not good.
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