Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

Freeland Art Studios & Dean Tile and Design

Freeland Art Studios
I got one sketch done in the sunny sculpture garden at Freeland Art Studios before I was driven to get out of the sun.

Tile artist Carol Dean let us sketch in her tile studio next door. We loved all the fun and funky clay head sculptures/planters. I want one. At least one. They were fabulous and I didn't do them justice. I'm blaming it on Carol's adorable Italian Greyhound, Silvie, who was ensconced on my lap while I was trying to sketch.

 Went out for dinner at Prima after sketching and did a quick sketch in my small pocket-sized Moleskine while waiting for my salad. The guy on the left was talking to his wife and the guy on the right studying the menu for a very long time. I always appreciate subjects who save me the trouble of drawing their mouths :-)

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