Senin, 12 Maret 2012

Jet City Roller Girls

An evening of skating, slutty costumes, evil names, dance breaks, bad jokes, girl scouts, pure silliness - all for $13! We saw the Hula Honeys vs the Riot Girls followed by Camaro Harem vs. Carnevil. Who won? Don't ask me, I was sketching. (See Dan's blog for photos of the event.)

Sketchers mark your calendars. The next set of bouts are Saturday, April 14, 6 pm Everett Community College Fitness Center.

L to R: Camaro  Harem coach, ref on skates, Carnevil skater, non skating official

Big Eddie, one of the Non Skating Officials

Vancouver Riot Girls bench (ice pack on far right skater's neck)

Camaro Harem's "Unshine" is down. Medics, coaches, officials gather round.

Referee huddle

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