Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

Sunny Day Sketching

Colorful Cart and Cultus Bay Nursery.

A little bit of Spoiled Dog Winery, sometimes it was sunny,
sometimes it was rainy....fabulous wine!


Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

Bayview Market

I'm having such a blast sketching, I can't quit. The Bayview Market was teeming with folks; I just loved capturing the various characters, both the venders and the shoppers. A beautiful sunny warm day, local fabulous musician, chatting with the folks in the booths around me .... ah, Langley, you are sweet!


Cultus Bay Nursery

Sketching is a fantastic way to get to know the island's nooks and crannies. Cultus Bay Nursery was a sweet treat for this recently gardenless gardener. The Spanish lavender was attracting bees like crazy; a hummingbird roared by repeatedly; I learned that you can put swallow boxes out and they will be nested in! Also, a quick sketch of fellow Sketcher, Sherryl.

Spoiled Dog Winery

New to Langley, but an admirer of the Sketchers for a long time, I joined the Sketchers for a day of drizzle, chilly breezes, and a whole lot of fun.  Here's my first blog entry!!  This could be habit forming....  plus, the wine was excellent. That's fellow Sketchers Mary on the left & Sherryl on the right in their little lawn chairs.

Spoiled Dog Winery


One of our blog followers came all the way from Sequim to join us for sketching at Cultus Bay Garden on Friday! We really enjoyed having Priscilla Patterson and her husband join us for the afternoon and she did some fabulous sketches, including this one.  She was lucky enough to catch the resident long-horned cow at siesta. Everyone said it looked just like Ferdinand the Bull, but I suspect "he" might be "she", as I remember hearing about some calves in past years. Lets face it, a set of horn like that will make any girl look a little butch.

By Priscilla Patterson
One of the many interesting things about Priscilla is that she is an aviation artist! Check out  her blog: http://www.priscillamessnerpatterson.blogspot.com/

Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

A beautiful day in a beautiful spot

 At Cultus Bay Nursery among the spring plants and flowers, listening to all the singing birds, communing with Iggy the cat and sketching. I staked out a spot in front a charmingly rustic potting shed made from lattice. Inside I spied some Bleeding Hearts and outside some blue (Lobelia??) I don't know, but the lilacs trees were blooming. It was a great day, fun to see the Sketchers again and great to get a little sunburn.

Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

Choosing a Still Life

Studio 106 has all the props you could possibly want to set up a still life. What an inspiring place to spend a rainy afternoon!

Minggu, 29 April 2012

Windjammer Park

It was great fun to join the Whidbey Island Sketchers on Friday in Oak Harbor! Sat by a hedge that blocked the wind and tried to sketch the windmill. Here it is!

Sabtu, 28 April 2012

oak harbor windmill

An Oak Harbor Afternoon

In honor of Oak Harbor's Holland Happening this weekend, we gathered at Windjammer Park to sketch the ochre windmill and tulips.  I loved seeing the windmill sketched in so many different styles by all the sketchers.

But Windjammer Park got windy so we reconvened at Flyers for great gab and sketching.  One of Whidbey Island Sketchers' best days.
Beautiful Faye

Marathon Sketch Meet

It was one for the record books, I think. Great turnout of fun sketchers yesterday. Driven indoors by the cold and wind, we each managed one sketch of the windmill at Windjammer Park before repairing to Flyers Restaurant, where the real sketching began. So much fun!

Windjammer Park

Mike, Kris, Lisbeth
Beautiful young boy sitting at the next table.

I am a sucker for curly red hair.

It doesn't get much looser than this!

Couple at Flyers

Our apple tree...and a very fun sketch session

                                                Our backyard apple tree is in full bloom!

And it's spring at Windjammer Park in Oak Harbor. The wind was a little cold so we moved on indoors to Flyers.  Much fun sketching and catching up over food and wine.  So much to draw there....

Big Bite!

Fellow Sketcher

And more of us......!

Windjammer Park

Tried to add shadows that weren't there (a la Mike). Not sure it worked.

Jumat, 27 April 2012

Windjammer Park and Flyers

Oak Harbor's Windjammer Park delivered on it's name today. Yep, it was windy. Regardless, a fun time was had by the sketchers. After one attempt drawing the windmill we opted for more comfortable conditions at Flyers, an Oak Harbor sports bar. More fun of course! Here's my sketches...


Elmer the Wooden Shoe Carver

Kinda fun.  The Whidbey News-Times used my sketch of Elmer, the wooden shoe carver, on their Holland Happening wrap on this week's paper.  Elmer Veldheer in 82 years old and he has been coming from his home in Holland, Michigan to carve wooden shoes during Oak Harbor's Holland Happening for 20 years!  This is his last year because his arthritis is making it harder and harder to handle his carving tools.  He's been a beloved fixture of Holland Happening and is being honored as the grand marshall of this year's parade. 

Tulip Festival

RoozenGaarde tulips were amazing even on a rainy day.

Selasa, 24 April 2012

St. Augustine's-in-the-Woods

A corner display of sporting gear ready for sale at St. Augustine's Trash to Treasures sale last weekend.

Harvest Moon

I spent a few days with Fallbrook friends earlier this month. Jim is a dentist and also a metal sculptor. He was working on a very cool new piece----Harvest Moon----which he had fashioned from an auger.

Senin, 23 April 2012

Sketching in the Tulip Fields

It was glorious afternoon to sketch with the Anacortes Sketchers in the middle of stunning tulip fields in full bloom in the Skagit Valley next door.  So much color; so little time!  Boy do we live in paradise!!

Kamis, 19 April 2012


How does a 20 minute medical test eat up an entire 8 hour day? Lots of waiting.
Waiting in the ferry line.
The Nurse
The Patient (Watching CNN while he waits)

The Artist's Foot.
Nothing more to sketch in Rm. 312 except medical equipment. I decided my own foot was the most interesting subject left.

The Redheads (in the Waiting Room)